Level 70 is known to contain 999 depot-style large containers with items in them. This makes the level a twofold opportunity for us; not only can the items themselves be useful and valuable, but the containers also provide a large space for storage. However, Level 70 is associated with risks presented by so called "Nostalgia Traps", which present an area of future development for our knowledge. Level 70 has the potential to be a great asset for us, and we must not be hampered by a fear of the unknown. To better understand this level and its opportunities, we have enacted a policy of documenting the contents of every single container, with a base being setup in the level to aid in this process and our future plans.
Container 1
One apple
Three car tires
Old analog clock (Nostalgia Trap)
Container 2
A pile of firesalt
Five pens
One boot
Container 3
One boot
Rubber duck
Two plungers
Container 4
One boot
Rubber duck
Two plungers
Dear diary, ugh. This all feels useless, not sure why the higher-ups are making us do this. It's all just random assortments of stuff, sometimes in weird quantities. Even worse is how often this junk turns out to be Nostalgia Traps. We're not allowed to touch any of the stuff, just in case, and have to explore new containers in groups.
Container 112
Container 113
Container 114
Container 115
Three rubber boots
One empty bucket
Container 116
Container 117
Container 118
Three paintings depicting fruit
A bookshelf
On the bookshelf, several copies of the same book in Swedish (Nostalgia Trap)
Container 119
So many of them are locked too. Unless we find a way to break in, we won’t be able to use these containers for anything. Nothing we’ve tried has worked so far, so this level is turning out to be a lot less useful than thought. It's a lot more boring than I expected, but thankfully also a lot less dangerous. The stuff we did initially was pretty overkill to be honest.
Container 467
Container 468
One pillow (Nostalgia Trap)
One Teddy bear (Nostalgia Trap)
Container 469
Container 470
One slice of bread
Update: Two slices of bread
Container 471
Container 472
470 is a weird case. One of our men entered it months after discovery, while eating his lunch, a sandwich. The top half fell out of his hands onto the floor, landing next to the other slice of bread already present. As the floor was dirty, he did not initially want to pick up the fallen piece of bread, and eventually forgot it altogether. When this was discovered the next day, people were bemused by there being an extra slice. Because our current guidelines prohibit removing items originally present from the containers, and because we were unable to tell the two slices apart from each other, both were left in the container.
Container 678
One mattress (Nostalgia Trap)
Five acorns
Container 679
Container 680
Large pile of shrimp
Two barrels, one filled with milk and the other with cheese
Container 681
One Nintended Entertainment System
One Nintento 64
Update: The NES is a Nostalgia Trap.
Container 681
Container 682
Two bicycles
One bicycle tire
Container 683
Something's happened, and I'm concerned about this level. Container 681 was uncovered half a month ago, and none of the stuff in it was a Nostalgia Trap. However, last weekend, one of our new operatives entered the container alone. Turns out the NES was a Nostalgia Trap for him—he was badly injured almost perished, and his description corresponded to all the common signs of a Nostalgia Trap. Higher-ups are considering allowing people to explore new containers in groups again, like we had to do when we were beginning out.
Container 714
Two eggs
Three feathers
One dead eagle
Note: The eggs and feathers do not correspond to the eagle.
Container 715
One trombone (Nostalgia Trap)
One book of sheet music
Container 716
Two large snowglobes
One hat
One carrot (Nostalgia Trap)
Container 717
Container 718
Container 719
Container 720
Container 721
And that's where the documented part ends, at container 718. Only about 300 containers left. Seems insane we're already so far past halfway though. I better get working and documenting new ones. Solo, of course—I want to be paid the full sum. No time to waste.