Emiži = folk, guys
Leoši = the world
Eseafo = authorities
Ilaža wept. His emiži had suffered terrible damages in the last years, and would continue
The last defenders of the eseafo. šea
Then, an image. An odd image, unlike anything he had seen. Somehow, it did not flicker or ripple. The colors did not cycle continually, and as he turned his head, the image moved instead of lingering on. Everything about it was disorienting. He took a step forwards, and the image got bigger in a way he had never thought possible. As his foot touched the ground, there was a loud noise, almost as load as normal talking. The sound kept repeating, slowly getting quieter and quieter, something completely foreign to him.
He saw a terrifying image. Two creatures, standing next to each other, and getting bigger. They were making a noise, as if talking, but not saying anything he could understand.
"Jo emiži ra?" he shouted.
"What?" one of the men replied.
"It's the M.E.G., you need anything buddy?" the other shouted back.
"Jo no va di leoši i ra, oso jo evota euf mi ra? Jo emiži ra?"
"Man, can't make out a word of what you're saying, sorry."
Ilaža was weirded out. The images sounded like people, but they were speaking in a bizarre manner that was completely unintelligeble. However, the two creatures did not appear threatening. Wanting to make sure, he wiped the ground in order to gather some bleda, but his fingers did not catch anything but bare rock. This leoši truly was bizarre. Thankfully he still had some in his pocket, so he threw the dust into his eyes and closed them shut.
The weird images disappeared, and were replaced with the usual ones, though this time everything was slightly dim. He was immediately able to sense that these creatures were normal emiži that the weird properties of this leoši had made appear corrupted. As he sensed the ground the two were standing on, he realized why everything was so dim: the open area he was in appeared to lack bleda entirely. If this was true, he'd soon have to resort to the corrupted images to sense things. However, there was still some bleda left in his eyes.
Suddenly, he noticed something shocking. It was quite dim, but one of the men was carrying a piece of clothing of some sort inside his backbag. Attached to the piece, there was a dim metallic plate, bearing the insignia of eseofa. How was this possible? Had he somehow found emiži that still respected the eseofa? As he was pondering the question, the bleda suddenly ran out and he opened his eyes.